Is Doggy Daycare Good for Socialization?

Doggy daycare provides an excellent atmosphere for socialization, exercise, and lots of play. But you may want to consider a more gradual approach for puppies three months and older. Young puppies should be introduced to other dogs at a steady pace in a tightly-controlled environment. However, if you already know that your dog loves socializing. Then Doggy Daycare will be their favorite place in the whole world!

How to Get Puppies Ready for Doggy Daycare

Our play areas are very safe and monitored by vigilant daycare attendants at all times. But an under-socialized puppy could become overwhelmed in a group of up to 15 dogs who are used to playing in large groups. An overwhelming experience at a very young age could potentially have an effect on their social development. And cause them to be shy around other dogs. So, there are a few things you should do before signing your puppy. For the doggy daycare at our dog boarding facility near Princeton and Hamilton, NJ.

First and foremost, make sure they see a vet for their first rounds of vaccines. And get them screened for any potential health issues. Once you’ve done that, try socializing your pup on a small scale with other puppies. Also, perhaps some friendly adult dogs. This can be done at home, a friend’s house, or anywhere else where you can keep a close eye on your fur baby. While they learn the unwritten rules of the dog world. The early stages of socialization are all about your puppy learning. How to play with other dogs, who will “correct” any unacceptable behavior. The best place for that is a controlled environment like a socialization class! Check out the infographic below for more information:


How to Socialize Adult Dogs

Dogs who aren’t adequately socialized during the early stages of life need more guidance socializing as adults. Some dogs who did not experience socialization after twelve weeks may need more time accepting things that are new or unfamiliar to them. If you need some assistance, you may want to look into our dog socialization classes, a five-day socialization program facilitated by our CPDT-KA certified dog trainer. 

A helpful tip would be to try walking your dog in public areas where you are likely to encounter other dogs on walks. Walking helps your dog burn off pent-up energy, making them more likely to engage in a social situation. But if your adult dog has never interacted with another dog before, and you are unsure of how they will react, or if they have a history of unacceptable behaviors towards other dogs, you should seek help from a professional trainer for socialization. 

To learn more about our dog daycare program near Princeton, NJ, or socialization classes, call us today!