Introducing Our “Clever Canines” Enrichment Program: Welcome to a Whole New Ballgame!

Let’s admit it: Our dogs have it made, and they live the life we often wish we had for ourselves. While this opinion may not be universal, most of us feel this way at least once — and why not? Veterinarians and animal psychologists agree that most dogs benefit from following a regular daily routine, naturally allowing small variances. Some of those benefits include reduced stress, increased weight control, decreased tendency. This is towards developing an eating disorder, improvement in focus and ability to learn, and minimization of behavioral issues.

Staying on Schedule

Dogs are a lot like humans, who, by nature. Also more likely to thrive in structured, well-defined environments than in chaotic ones. It’s always a great day when we get to alter our rigid schedules even a little and break up the monotonous. Dogs apparently agree, which must be part of what a dog feels when asked if they want to go for a car ride! However, dogs still have it pretty good with a lifestyle that may include:

  • Being able to nap or sleep wherever we wish, and for up to 18 hours per day;
  • Having all of your daily meals prepared and served to you – and let’s not mention all the edible treats spread out through the course of our days; 
  • Being instantly forgiven for our “movements,” no matter how gross they may be; followed shortly after by someone else disposing of the evidence on our behalves;
  • Receiving regular bathing and grooming, without having to lift a finger (or paw); 
  • Following the few instructions given to us, that are usually no more complicated than “sit” or “stay” – and when obeyed, earns yet another of those yummy treats; 
  • When “absolutely necessary,” pretending for a few minutes here and there, we actually like the 2-legged animals we share our homes with! Of course, when we do that, there’s often even more of those treats mentioned earlier in our immediate futures…

Okay, so not every dog’s daily routine follows this pattern or is this ideal. Living a life like this may not be everyone’s vision of Shangri-La, but it could be much worse!

It’s a Dog’s Life – And Ours, Too

Also, like their human counterparts, many dogs might suffer even greater. If variances to daily routines exceed their “tolerance levels” for change. It’s no wonder why we believe that dogs are, in many ways, more “human” than they get credit for!

Now, consider this pampered life and then factor all that has transpired with the Coronavirus pandemic. The forced quarantines and lock-downs, working full-time from home, virtual schooling; the list goes on. We’ve all been so wrapped up in how the “new normal” has negatively impacted us. How much thought has been put into the effects this situation has had on our canine friends? This ignorance on our parts is a huge mistake. If allowed to persist, we should be prepared for some detrimental effects to show themselves very soon.

Contingent on the length of time they have been a part of your family. Dogs have had months or years to adjust to our “normal” routines. Those routines were all-but thrown out the window when the “official” lock-down commenced. Ever since dogs have been “reconditioned” into expecting us to be home most or all day long. So what do you suppose might happen when we eventually resume a lifestyle more. That are closely aligned to our pre-virus lives — and what can you do about it?

Our Canine Enrichment Program

Some Certified Professional Dog Trainers (CPDT’s) have suggested using Enrichment Program techniques involving toys, games, and other stimulating activities to help them prevent the onset of boredom, which can lead to more significant behavioral issues. This idea is fantastic if you have the time and resources to commit to this approach. Still, we already know that what we think we can do and what we end up doing are often quite different from each other.  With this in mind, we have initiated our Canine Enrichment Program known as “Clever Canines”:

This Enrichment Program is designed to instill and promote our dogs’ positive traits once learned but now may be struggling to maintain under the current situation. No matter the stage of life your dog is presently in, or what behavioral issues they might be displaying, this program will serve as a blessing to all members of your household — 2 and 4-legged alike!

Ready for Your Own ‘Clever Canines’? Contact Us Today!

Demand for this program was already high before the pandemic and is even more coveted now. One aspect of our approach to designing and launching this program was to limit the number of dogs in any one session. This allows us to control the potential distractions while enhancing the amount of attention each “class member” receives. As such, spaces were already scarce, so we strongly advise all looking to enroll their dog to fill out a reservation request as soon as possible. 

If you have any questions regarding “Clever Canines” or any other dog and puppy obedience training programs we offer, please do not hesitate to contact us at your first convenience. The sooner you do, the sooner we can help you – and your dogs – get back some of what we once had, and are at risk of losing forever.